· Città del Vaticano ·

James Lee Burke

 James Lee Burke   ODS-018
03 febbraio 2024

To give voice
to the people

Great American writer James Lee Burke sent this message to the «L’Osservatore di Strada». We publish it thanking him for the nice words towards our work and with the hope that his wish will help us to build, starting from the last, bridges of friendship and fraternity all over the world.

I think it’s wonderful to have a newspaper including poems and essays and maybe short stories. All great
writers suffer, and all of them understand poverty and rejection; otherwise, they would not understand the long struggle of the human race and its soul. The friends of Jesus were these people. He did not seek out the rich and powerful, and his apostles were men of humble

origins, and I bet he’s happy to know of a newspaper such as yours. Anyway, I think it’s a grand thing to give voice to the people in a newspaper such as «L’Osservatore di Strada». I wish that would happen all over the world.

James Lee Burke