Economy and women, a mission possible
We hope that the GDP to come will be female. Let us hope that the new economy, the one that will have to replace the bankrupt and unjust current one, is going to include value and be led by women. Many people hope so. There are many who think that a new female leadership can change things. As Sister Alessandra Smerilli says in the cover article, women can introduce, “a different, more inclusive and humane economy”. This is not just auspicious. The planet requires us to change the rules and the aims that have governed our economy up to now. The pandemic and its consequences are the latest demonstration of this. Change can only come about if new principles, new procedures and new subjects are introduced. Women for the most part have been far removed from the mechanisms of power and profit, from the ways in which the world economy has been ordered. However, and precisely because of this, they are able to invest an enormous wealth of experience, culture, and relationships. Moreover, women can add affections, feelings, desires hitherto considered external to the field of economics, extraneous, even opposed. Instead, they appear to have the potential to lift the fortunes of many, the majority of the planet, to indicate ways out of misery, discrimination, and injustice.