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The Pope and the Radical Leader: Dialogue and Welcoming Beyond Differences

 Il Papa e la leader radicale:  dialogo e accoglienza oltre le differenze  DCM-011
07 December 2024

Let us look closely at the photo we have published on this page. There is the radical leader, a woman with a thousand secular battles: divorce, abortion, minority rights, and sexual freedom. There is the Pontiff, the head of a Church who has opposed many of those battles, and one in particular, often, has based its existence on principles and struggles in opposition to them; and which has often founded its existence on opposing principles and battles. 

They are both in wheelchairs. He went to visit her with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of colorful roses. They are talking and smiling on a terrace under the Roman sun.
This photo tells us more about Pope Francis’ Church than many articles, books, analyses, and interviews.

It tells us about a Church that welcomes and loves even those who are different from it. Even those who, according to the prevailing norms, should be considered an enemy. And who could be seen as further from the path of the Church than the radical leader?

It tells us of a Church who distinguishes between people and ideas – between sin and the sinner, as it was once said – and who embraces and respects those who “sin” even when they fight against what they believe.

It tells us of a Church who places people first, their hearts, their intelligence, and their commitment. Ideas are important, but they come second. After acceptance and the opening of the heart and mind. And they can never overshadow love and respect.

It is an important and, above all, unprecedented message that this photo conveys to us. In a world where hatred seems to prevail over love, war over peace, where divisions have found fertile ground in social media, where “the other” is seen as a rival or enemy if they don't think like you, the image of Emma Bonino and Francesco points to a different path and a different world. A way of living and thinking that is capable of going beyond, of communicating regardless.

We do not know what Emma and Pope Bergoglio discussed. Whether they talked about what divides them or what unites them. Whether they discussed what is happening in the world or their personal lives. Certainly, they had many topics of conversation to choose from. However, what they said to each other is not the most important thing; rather, it is what they are saying to us who are watching them.

One can choose not to belong to the Church and still listen to and appreciate her messages. One can be a believer and look with interest and engagement at the ideas of those who are not part of the Church. And above all – Emma and Francesco show us this – we can still smile together.