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The G20 Interfaith Forum in Brasilia comes to an end

Peace and sustainability for planet and mankind

 Peace and sustainability for planet and mankind  ING-035
30 August 2024
“Leave No One Behind: The Well-Being of the Planet and Its People”: was the theme of this year’s G20 Interfaith Forum and International Partnership on Religion and Sustainable Development annual forum, held in Brasilia from 19 to 22 August. The following is the English text of one of the speeches given at the event on 21 August. There are pivotal moments in human history that signify periods of both progress and setbacks in the lives of individuals and nations. The events of the Second World War undoubtedly shaped our current era. The appalling massacres, disregard for human life, and global impact of that terrible war continue to reverberate in various manifestations today. The defeat of the Nazi-fascist axis did not signal an end to major conflicts or imperialist ambitions among nations. Tyrannies and manipulative leaders endured, and ...

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