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01 June 2024

The Word to Women

Friday, June 14, the last conference of the lecture series “Women of the Old Testament. The Word to Women” held by Vittoria D’Alario and Emilia D’Antuono titled “The Shulammite between exegesis and philosophy”. Historian and theologian Adriana Valerio moderates at the synodal hall of the Curia of Naples. On Saturday, June 29, there will be a meeting for reflections and workshops on biblical readings. Three laywomen and two religious sisters will participate, while Sonia Rescigno and Stefania Ioppolo from the Rectory of Santa Maria di Scampia will lead the working groups. Location: Monastery of Regina Coeli in Naples.

Info: avalerio.studies@gmail.com

Spiritual Weekend

From June 28 to June 30, the Congregation of the Carmelite Sisters of St Teresa of Turin invites young women to a spiritual weekend in Rome at Via Ludovico di Savoia, 27.

 Info: suorecarmelitaneditorino@gmail.com

Observances and Celebrations

In June, we commemorate the feast days of the following saints: Maria Rosa Molas y Vallvé, founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation (June 11), Paola Frassinetti, founder of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy (June 11), Felicola (June 13), Teresa, queen of Castile (June 17), Giuliana Falconieri, founder of the Servants of Mary (June 19), Ediltrude, abbess of Ely (June 23), Vincenza Gerosa, founder of the Sisters of Maria Bambina (June 28), Emma, widow (June 29).

Curated by Valeria Pendenza