At the end of the Eucharistic Celebration, Pope Francis led the Regina Caeli and then spent some private time in prayer before the relic of Saint Mark the Evangelist in the Basilica that bears his name. He then returned to the women’s Giudecca prison where he farewelled the civil and religious authorities and then departed for the Vatican by helicopter. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s words.
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Before concluding our celebration, I wish to greet all of you who have participated. I sincerely thank the Patriarch, Francesco Moraglia, and with him all the collaborators and volunteers. I am grateful to the civil authorities and the police, who enabled this visit to take place. Thank you!
From here too, like every Sunday, let us invoke the intercession of the Virgin Mary for the many situations of suffering in the world.
I am thinking of Haiti, where a state of emergency is in force and the population is desperate due to the collapse of the healthcare system, the scarcity of food and the violence that is driving people to flee. Let us entrust to the Lord the work and decisions of the new Transitional Presidential Council, which took office last Thursday in Port-au-Prince, so that, with renewed support from the international Community, it may lead the country to achieve the peace and stability it so badly needs.
I am thinking of martyred Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, of the Rohingya and of the many people who suffer due to war and violence. May the God of Peace enlighten hearts so that the will for dialogue and reconciliation may grow in everyone.
Dear brothers and sisters, thank you again for your welcome! Thank you to the Patriarch. I carry you with me in prayer; and you too, please, do not forget to pray for me, because this job is not easy!