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Interview with Professor Richard Mollica

The invisible and indelible wounds of war

 The invisible and  indelible wounds of war  ING-015
12 April 2024
In 1981, a young Italian-American psychiatrist founded the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, in Boston, a pioneering programme on the mental health care of survivors of mass violence and torture. More than 40 years later, Richard F. Mollica and his team of experts are committed to helping victims of the most brutal violence cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd). From Cambodia to Lebanon, from former Yugoslavia to Rwanda, from East Timor to Afghanistan, Prof. Mollica has assisted women, men and children traumatised by violence, fear and tragic events, an experience which he narrates in his book entitled, “Healing Invisible Wounds. Path to Hope and Recovery in a Violent World”. He is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and one of the world’s leading experts in the research and treatment of serious mental disorders. ...

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