· Vatican City ·

Five years since the Post-Synodal document’s publication

Messages and challenges for the future

 Messages and challenges for the future  ING-013
28 March 2024
In 2019, with the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit, Pope Francis brought to completion the synodal journey he himself launched in October 2016, when he announced the theme of the Fifteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops: ‘Young people, faith and vocational discernment’. For the first time, the Church was listening to young people on a broad scale: through the numerous local consultations; in the pre-Synod held in Rome that involved around 300 young people; and during the Synod Assembly itself attended by young delegates from all over the world. Five years after the publication of Christus Vivit on 25 March 2019, it is appropriate first of all to reflect on the three great messages that the Holy Father addressed to young people in Chapter iv, the heart of the Apostolic Exhortation. Three great ...

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