· Vatican City ·



02 December 2023

Women of the First Testament

On Friday December 15, as part of the Women of the First Testament lecture series, Maria Teresa Milano will deliver a lecture entitled Eve’s Choice. Knowing And Recognising Oneself. The event, moderated by theologian Adriana Valerio, will be held in the Synod Hall of the Curia of Naples both in presence and via web link.

Artemisia Gentileschi in Naples

From 3 December until 19 March, it is possible to visit the exhibition Artemisia Gentileschi in Naples at the Neapolitan Museum Gallerie d'Italia, dedicated to the painter’s long stay in the city between 1630 and 1654. The exhibition includes works from public and private collections.

Feasts and Celebrations

In December, the following feast days occur St Barbara (4), St Crispina (5), Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto (10), Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe (12), St Lucy (12), Blessed Maria Vittoria Fornari, foundress of the Turkish nuns (15),  Saint Virginia Centurione Bracelli, of the Sisters of Our Lady of Refuge in Mount Calvary (15), Saint Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa, of the Handmaids of Charity (15), Saint Vincenza Maria López y Vicuña, of the Religious of Mary Immaculate (26). The 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Curated by Valeria Pendenza