· Vatican City ·

Pope Francis views a documentary on Ukraine’s fight for freedom

 Pope Francis views a documentary on Ukraine’s fight for freedom  ING-047
24 November 2023

On Tuesday evening, 21 November, Pope Francis visited the new Synod Hall for the screening of the documentary “Freedom on Fire: Ukraine’s fight for freedom” by Evgeny Afineevsky.

The event was attended by several members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, including Ukraine’s Ambassador to the Holy See, as well as several Italian and international guests.

The Pope remained in the Hall until the end of the screening and observed a minute of silence in prayer for the victims of the conflict.

Following a brief intervention by the director, Pope Francis addressed those present and expressed his gratitude for their witness to such pain.

“Wars are always a defeat,” he emphasized, encouraging everyone to stand with those who suffer. He also invited everyone to pray for peace. The Pope then individually greeted some of the guests before returning to his residence at Casa Santa Marta.