Church, faith, women:
Here are five questions, though not the same ones each time, but on the same broad topic. This being on the Church that is reborn from the margins, that at the impetus of the Pope comes out of the centre, indeed brings the peripheries back to the centre. Which are not only geographical places, but also internal (suffering) areas of existence, places of the soul, the Gospel message and drivers for change. In addition, hopes too, which for women start from their marginalization throughout history.
A parallel dialogue, each from their own edge, of two women religious who have always been attentive to women’s problems and who believe they have found a space for growth in the Church.
Teresa Forcades and Grazia Loparco, speak from a broad female perspective and from their own viewpoint on religious women and women. One a Spanish Benedictine, the other an Italian Salesian, while they reflect on the direction of Francis’ pontificate, the crisis of faith in the industrialized West, the millenarian female exclusion in the Church, and the expectations of the female religious world.
curated by Ritanna Armeni