· Vatican City ·

Spiritual closeness

 Spiritual closeness  ING-034
25 August 2023

Pope Francis has called upon his fellow Christians to bear witness to the Gospel together. He did so with a telegram released on Monday, 21 August, and sent on the Pope’s behalf by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, to the Synod of the Union of Methodist and Waldensian Churches, taking place this week in northern Italy.

The telegram conveyed the Pope’s delight at greeting the synod members, and communicated his hope that the “meeting may be, for each one, an occasion of a profound experience of Christ who welcomes, guides and leads to the fullness of communion with Him and with the brethren”.

Pope Francis raised a prayer of praise to God the Father “for the gifts bestowed through ecumenical dialogue”, as well as for the “harmonious collaboration” between Christian confessions. He also expressed his desire “to remain spiritually present at this important event, so that we may grow in mutual knowledge in order to bear witness together to the Gospel of Jesus”. The Holy Father concluded by offering his best wishes for the work of this synodal assembly, and invoking the Lord’s blessing.