· Vatican City ·

The Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation celebrates 30 years

‘Memory to Build the Future’

 ‘Memory to Build the Future’  ING-023
09 June 2023
The 30th anniversary of the “Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation” was celebrated June 5 and 6 at the Vatican, with a conference entitled Memory to Build the Future: “Thinking and Acting in Terms of Community” ( ft , 116). It started with a Holy Mass presided by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, ofm, in Saint Peter’s Basilica. An important moment for members of the Foundation was their private audience with Pope Francis, which was preceded by a reflection by Cardinal Pietro Parolin. It was a beautiful occasion of communion, in which the Pope expressed to all those present — entrepreneurs, managers, professionals and academics — his gratitude for the dissemination of the Social Doctrine of the Church, which as can certainly be seen within the book that collects the speeches made over the years by the Holy Fathers to the Foundation — published ...

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