· Vatican City ·

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi’s mission in Ukraine

Il presidente della CEI, Matteo Maria Zuppi, nel corso della conferenza stampa finale della 77esima ...
09 June 2023

A series of meetings and moments of prayer marked Pope Francis’ special envoy Cardinal Matteo Zuppi’s two-day visit to Ukraine. Cardinal Zuppi, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, concluded his visit to Kyiv on Tuesday, 6 June, following an intense schedule of meetings with civil and religious authorities, a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky, and time dedicated to prayer and reflection in a country devastated by 15 months of war. According to the Holy See Press Office, “the results of these talks, like those with the Religious Representatives, as well as the direct experience of the atrocious suffering of the Ukrainian people due to the ongoing war, will be brought to the Holy Father’s attention and will undoubtedly be useful in evaluating the steps to be continued both on the humanitarian level and in the search for paths to a just and lasting peace”.