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01 April 2023

Michela Murgia at the CTI seminar 

The Coordinamento Teologhe Italiane (Italian Women Theologians Coordination) seminar is going to be held in Rome on April 15, at the Città dell'Altra Economia.  The title of the event is Towards a Public Theology: Stories, Conflicts, Visions. The writer Michela Murgia, who is a member of the Coordination, will also participate.

Book by Cettina Militello

On Wednesday April 19, at the Xaverian missionaries conference hall in Parma, there will be a book presentation of Rethinking ministry. Necessity and Challenge for the Church by philosopher and theologian Cettina Militello

Women grassroots community and many others

Liberating Hope is the title of the 24th national meeting of the Women's Groups of Basic Christian Communities and many others to be held in Bologna on 6-7 May at Ospitalità San Tommaso. In the presentation: “today it is more necessary than ever to bring into play female prophecy, the ability that many women have to see, beyond the evils of our time, the good that already exists, the signs of a profound change that is taking place in reality, thanks to the passionate commitment of so many women and some men, in every part of the world”.   Interventions by Grazia Villa and Monica Lanfranco

Curated by Valeria Pendenza