· Vatican City ·

Audience with the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino

 Audience with the Captains Regent of the Republic of San Marino  ING-012
24 March 2023

On Monday, 20 March, the Holy Father received in audience, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Captains Regent of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, Their Excellencies Ms Maria Luisa Berti and Mr Manuel Ciavatta, who then met with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Msgr Mirosław Wachowski, Undersecretary for Relations with States and International Organizations.

During the cordial discussions, which took place in the Secretariat of State, the excellent existing relations between the Holy See and the Republic of San Marino were highlighted. A number of matters of interest to San Marino society were then discussed.

Attention then turned to issues of an international nature, with particular attention to the developments of the conflict in Ukraine, relations with Europe, and migration, and the mutual wish to strengthen cooperation within the framework of multilateral diplomacy was expressed.