· Vatican City ·

Senior Lecturer at the Australian Catholic University

Journeying Together

17 March 2023
The Synod presents an invitation to return to our sources and to engage freshly with the call of the Gospel today. As the recent Federation of Catholic Bishops Conferences of Oceania Assembly recognised, some of the youngest Churches in the region are the most vibrant. They look directly to the early church for inspiration, by-passing the accretions of centuries. Synodality invites us all to consider what the early Church’s practices of walking together in discipleship, community, unity in diversity, and Spirit-led transformation, might mean for the Church today. The First Peoples of Australia embody the world’s oldest continuous living cultures. They have much to teach us about right relationships with God, one another, and with the whole of creation. Yet they have often been denied what Saint John Paul ii described as “the happiness of ...

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