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Listening to the heart, the antidote to propagandism

 Listening to the heart, the antidote to propagandism  ING-004
27 January 2023
Speaking with the heart. After last year’s invitation to listen with the heart, Pope Francis invites social communicators — and for Christians, who are proclaimers of the Good News, this means everyone — to speak with the heart. The order of the actions is interesting because one could think that a social communicator is a person who mostly talks, and instead, this “conversion” is necessary: first listening, then speaking; and doing the two things in the same way, with the same style: with the heart. It is the heart that listens, not the ears. It is the heart that speaks, not the mouth, that same heart that is capable of seeing according to Benedict xvi’s teachings in Deus Caritas Est: “We should not be afraid of proclaiming the truth, even if it is at times uncomfortable, but of doing so without charity, without heart”, says Francis at ...

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