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The transmission of the faith in the digital age

 The transmission of the faith in the digital age  ING-002
13 January 2023
His reputation as a great theologian is unanimously acknowledged, but the late Joseph Ratzinger was also a remarkable communicator, with his own notable status, whose legacy will undoubtedly surpass the temporal limit of his earthly existence. The fact that Benedict xvi was not a communicator for the masses — however much he attracted the attention of millions of young people during the World Youth Days — in no way detracts from the value of his style of communication. First of all, as a theologian, he demonstrated that even highly intellectual topics can be explained to the lay person and be within the reach of a wide audience, not only specialists. The success of his “Introduction to Christianity”, which is to this day — more than 50 years after publication — a worldwide best seller in religious publishing, shows Ratzinger’s innate ...

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