· Vatican City ·

Decree of the Holy Father Francis for the assignment of sectors, areas and pastoral services to the Auxiliary Bishops of the Diocese of Rome

 Decree of the  Holy Father Francis  for the assignment of sectors, areas and pastoral services to ...
13 January 2023

Having proceeded with the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution, In Ecclesiarum Communione, concerning the organization of the Vicariate of Rome, wishing to implement what is established therein

I Decree

that the following sectors, areas and pastoral services be entrusted to the Auxiliary Bishops:

—  H. E. Bishop Daniele Libanori, S.I., centre sector, area of education;

—  H. E. Bishop Daniele Salera, northern sector, area of Christian formation;

—  H. E. Bishop Riccardo Lamba, eastern sector, area for a welcoming and “outbound” Church, Service for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons;

—  H. E. Bishop Dario Gervasi, southern sector, area for age and life care;

—  H. E. Bishop Baldassare Reina, western sector, area for the administration of goods, legal area, service of the General Secretariat, seminaries;

—  H. E. Bishop Paolo Ricciardi, area for the care of the diaconate, the clergy and religious life, Ordo Virginum;

—  H. E. Bishop Benoni Ambarus, area for the Diaconate of Charity.

In addition, I appoint H.E. Bishop Baldassare Reina as Vicegerent, also assigning to him the functions of Provost of the Lateran Apostolic Palace and the task of verifying and submitting to me any new statutes and regulations concerning: the Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, Caritas, the Opera Romana Preservazione della Fede, the Foundations, the Confraternities, the Archconfraternities and the Bodies connected to the Vicariate.

The Directors of the Offices, the members of the Council for Economic Affairs and the College of Consultors are extended donec aliter provideatur.

This Decree shall enter into force together with the Apostolic Constitution In Ecclesiarum Communione, and shall be published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 6 January 2023
