At the General Audience on Wednesday, 21 September, Pope Francis again denounced “the terrible situation” in Ukraine, urging the faithful to “unite ourselves to this people who are so noble and martyred”. He also spoke about Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, who travelled to Ukraine on the Holy Father’s behalf for the fourth time since the start of the war, bringing the Pope’s aid and closeness to the people. “He told me about the pain of this people, the savagery, the monstrosities, the tortured corpses they find”.
The Holy Father also reflected on his recent Apostolic Journey to Kazakhstan, once more expressing his gratitude to the President of the Republic, the civil authorities, Bishops and lay faithful, and the many volunteers for their warm welcome. The primary purpose of his visit was to attend the Seventh Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, whose aim is to promote peace and human fraternity in our world. The Holy Father said that when speaking of these noble efforts on the path of interreligious dialogue, we must also remember the many martyrs of diverse nationalities and backgrounds who have borne faithful witness in their daily lives to God’s desire for peace and fraternity among his children. The Pope was also able to meet members of the local Church in Kazakhstan, a small yet faithful flock, fortified by the example of its saints, and open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
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