On Sunday, 3 July, Sr Rita Mboshu Kongo, Congolese theologian and member of the Daughters of Mary, Most Holy, greeted the Holy Father on behalf of the Congolese community present in Saint Peter’s Basilica and all those united through prayer around the world.
Holy Father,
We will never be able to thank you enough for your concern about Africa, our beloved continent. You have shown your fatherly concern for us on numerous occasions, especially during the misfortune befalling our country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Almost two and a half years have passed since you presided, on 1 December 2019, a Mass in the Zairean Rite for our Congolese community in Rome and friends of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Yet still today, you have, in a sense, “transferred” Kinshasa to Saint Peter’s Basilica. The Mass that should have been celebrated in the capital of our country on 3 July 2022 is here today because of your kindness. It has been celebrated here in the Basilica of Saint Peter. We still hope that the time will come for you to celebrate the Mass in Kinshasa, where the Congolese people continue to wait for you with open arms. We are praying for you, for your health, that your visit to our country will take place.
We ask you to continue to pray also for our continent and our Country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Holy Father, we know that you love the people of Africa. Be also assured of our immense love for you. On behalf of all of us here and all Congolese who are united through prayer with us around the world, suffice it for me to thank you in our four main Congolese national languages: Totondi yo botondi, Papa François!
Aksanti sana, Papa Francisco!
Twasakidila, Papa François!
Matondo mingi, Papa François!