07 January 2022
“If we become artisans of fraternity, we will be able to mend the threads of a world torn apart by war and violence”, Pope Francis said at the Angelus on Saturday, 1 January, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s reflection which he shared in Italian with the faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Buongiorno! Happy New Year,
Let us begin the new year entrusting it to Mary, the Mother of God. The Gospel of today’s Liturgy speaks of her, taking us back once again to the wonder of the Nativity scene. The shepherds hasten toward the stable and what do they find? The text says they find, “Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger” (Lk 2:16). Let us pause on this scene and imagine Mary who, as a tender and caring mother, has just laid Jesus in the manger. ...
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