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Abuse, the traces of damage

 Abusi, le tracce del danno  DCM-012
30 December 2021

 The work on the cover this month is by the Roman artist Luca Sacchetti. It is one of 24 paintings in the series “Il Danno” (The Damage) that focuses on the theme of child abuse and is part of a traveling exhibition dedicated to information, prevention and combating violence against children and adolescents. In addition, the project’s intention is to convey to the public the dynamics and psychological trauma that torment the victims’ soul. On November 20, 2019, on the occasion of the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent, the exhibition was shown in Milan at the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine - Cloister and Sacristy, curated by Antonella Mantovani, founder of Castello 13, and Fortunato D'Amico, with the scientific direction of the psychoanalyst Nadia Muscialini. Luca Sacchetti, with great artistic skill, guides the public towards a careful reflection on certain myths and values of contemporary society, which encourage individuality, competition and violence between human beings. On the canvases, the half-visible faces refer to the damage suffered, and those absent looks, those stiffened bodies, which tend to hide the inner tragedy, describe the traces of it. [WCW]