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In Agenda

04 December 2021

Roundtable “Women and Religions”

“Faiths and feminisms in Italy: women’s prophecy, transcendence and experience on the horizon of an embodied faith”. This was the theme of the fourth Women and Religions Roundtable on Sunday, December 2, in Bologna, organized by the Interreligious Observatory on Violence Against Women and FSCIRE, a foundation for religious sciences, under the patronage of Adista, Coordinamento teologhe italiane [Italian Women Theologians Coordination] and Segretariato attività ecumeniche [Ecumenical Activities Secretariat].


Doranna Lupi and Grazia Villa of the Gruppi donne delle Comunità cristiane [Women’s Groups of Christian Communities] and the many others present, Friday, December 10 at 20:15 p.m., “Visitazioni” [Visitations]. On the zoom platform, they talked about this theme with Paola Lazzarini, president of the association Women for the Church, Adriana Valerio, historian and theologian, Zuzanna Flisowska, coordinator of Voices of faith.

Fratelli tutti. A cycle of conferences

On December 16, the Aula Magna of the Pontifical Gregorian University will host the final report of the cycle of conferences, organized by the Center for Interreligious Studies, to deepen the understanding of the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti on the occasion of the first anniversary of its publication.

Edited by Valeria Pendenza