· Vatican City ·

From the Scottish Events Campus

A true ecological conscience must prevail

 A true ecological conscience must prevail  ING-045
05 November 2021
From 31 October to 12 November the Scottish Events Campus in Glasgow will be the centre of the world. Here will be held Cop26: the United Nations conference on climate change, the “Conference of the parties” which is being called, as Pope Francis said, “to provide effective responses to the unprecedented ecological crisis and the crisis of values that we are presently experiencing, and in this way to offer concrete hope to future generations” (Address to Participants in the meeting “Faith and Science: Towards Cop26”, 4 October 2021). Although it is an annual event, this year’s in Scotland is the first following the pandemic. In 2020, in fact, Covid prevented the gathering. This further enriches the content of the event and more clearly defines the climate goals of the Cop25 held in Madrid in December 2019. More than 190 leaders have come ...

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