29 October 2021
“Missionaries are not what they do but what they are”, says Sister Lilia Tozzini, a Rosminian Sister who has been living in Tanzania for 25 years. In any case, “every Christian should be a missionary because if Christians are convinced that they are loved by Jesus, their life will be different and above all more zestful”. Sister Lilia loves the African children of Kwediboma: “Without them, my life would have no meaning and when I have to be away from them, I ask my co-sisters to love the children and to love them very much”.
The missionary work of the female branch of the Institute of Charity (Rosminian Sisters) in Tanzania began in the 1950’s. It began as a cooperation between Saint Joseph’s Commercial School of Tanga, which churned out thousands of employees of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, and in the healthcare field, with the ...
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