Traditions are a richness to be cherished

 Traditions are a richness  to be cherished  ING-051
20 December 2024

Final Word of Thanks of His Holiness Pope Francis at the Conclusion of Holy Mass at the Place d’Austerlitz.

I thank Cardinal Bustillo for his words, and for this entire day during which I have felt at home! Thank you to all those who in different ways prepared this visit; to the Church community and the civil community. Go forward in harmony, in that diversity that does not divide you, always working together for the common good.

I greet and bless the sick, the elderly who are alone, and prisoners. May Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, “Madunnuccia” give comfort and hope to those who suffer.

Brothers and sisters, may the Gospel of Jesus Christ help you to have hearts open to the world: your traditions are a richness to be cherished and cultivated, but never in order to isolate yourselves, indeed they are always for encounter and sharing.

Thank you all! I wish you a good journey towards Christmas!