Senza indugio. Con voce di donna.
Omelie per l'anno C, [Without Delay. With a Woman’s Voice. Homilies for Year C],
Edited by the Italian Women Theologians Coordination,
EDB 2024
I suggest this commentary on the Sunday Gospels for Year C. Edited by certain women believers, theologians, and biblical scholars, who without hesitation respond to the calling of the good and promising news for every life. These scholars, whose previous works we have read on the feminine in Scripture, the history of the Church, and its relevance to our time, focus on the Gospel of Luke. In this Gospel, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor freed, neither male nor female. Instead, we radically listen to the Word, with our ears, hands, and mouths ready to receive it, share it, and proclaim it”. Accustomed as we are to a male way of listening to and interpreting the Word, we joyfully welcome this text, which opens us to different perspectives, while being equally attentive and competent, on the Gospel from a part of the Church—the women—who still do not have the opportunity to offer it in Sunday liturgical assemblies.
Rosa Lupoli is a Capuchin nun from Naples, abbess of the Monastery of Santa Maria in Gerusalemme, known as the Monastery of the Thirty-Three, founded by Blessed Maria Lorenza Longo.