Holy Father’s Appeal

01 September 2023

After concluding his catechesis at the General Audience on Wednesday, 30 August, Pope Francis launched an appeal dedicated to the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which takes place each year on 1 September.

The day after tomorrow, 1 September, we will celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, inaugurating the Season of Creation, which will last until 4 October, the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. On that date I plan to publish an Exhortation, a second Laudato Si’. Let us join our Christian brothers and sisters in the commitment to care for Creation as a sacred gift from the Creator. It is necessary to stand with the victims of environmental and climate injustice, striving to put an end to the senseless war on our common home, which is a terrible world war. I urge all of you to work and pray for it to abound with life once again.