Evangelical, egalitarian,
Its true evangelical status, its visible egalitarian character between men and women, and its non-clerical ministerial framework should distinguish the Church I would like.
This Church would recover its foundations by returning to the basic message of Jesus. It would understand that message from its context (Galilee, 1st century), and translate it into today’s languages and cultures. Thus, the essentials of the Gospel would illuminate the present life of humanity. It would be perceived as possible, real, never concluded and open to multiple possibilities and interpretations.
This community of communities would ensure that in its framework and life, women and men are equal in dignity, capabilities and possibilities. It would show that difference and inequality are not equivalent, that gender is not an obstacle to any role, position or service. It would be a Church of women, a sign of human equality.
Its ministerial framework would be a consequence of its inculturated gospel status and visible, multivalent equality. The power and energy to live and offer the gospel comes from the circularity of the Rûaj, or divine Spirit. This Church would visibly be the Church of the Rûaj.
Introducing the equality of women into the Church, I would like to transform its entire organisational structure through second-order (profound and lasting) changes. It would endow her with the Spirit’s own capacity for innovation, the hopeful renewal of Easter and the Mystery of Life that palpitates in every death.
It would therefore be a feminist Church for all humanity, for those most in need, capable of regenerating all human life and healing the wounds of humanity, nature and the universe.
Its social, political and humanist influence would derive from the attractiveness of its offer and the simple conviction of those who present it, from below and from within.
By Mercedes Navarro Puerto
MC, biblical scholar and psychologist