Chirograph on the eve of the Beatification Mass

José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros new Co-Patron
of the Cycle of Studies
in Peace Sciences at the Pontifical Lateran University

  José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros  new Co-Patron of the Cycle of Studies in Peace Sciences at the ...
07 May 2021

Venezuelan physician José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros, who was beatified on 30 April in Caracas, has become Co-Patron of the Cycle of Studies in Peace Sciences of the Pontifical Lateran University, instituted by Pope Francis in November 2018. The following is a translation of the Chirograph by which the Holy Father established him as Co-patron.

Having considered the request of the Venerable Brother Cardinal Baltazar E. Porras Cardozo, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Caracas, Ven-e-zuela, by Letter No. AAC/26-21, of 9 March 2021;

having accepted the petition of the Rector Magnificus of the Pon-tif-i-cal Lateran University;

I willingly dispose

that the Venerable Servant of God José Gregorio Hernández Cisneros, Lay Faithful, born on 26 October 1864 in Isnotú, Venezuela, and died on 29 June 1919 in Caracas, Venezuela, whose Beatification was established in the Archdiocese of Caracas on 30 April 2021, be made Co-Patron of the Cycle of Studies in Peace Sciences instituted by me at the Pontifical Lateran University with the Letter The Desire for Peace of 12 November 2018 (in AAS, CX [2018], 1720-1722), placing him alongside Blessed John of Peace.

From the Vatican, 26 April 2021
