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Pesach, Easter and the Human Condition

 Pesach, Easter and the Human Condition  ING-017
26 April 2024
The Ten Commandments, the beginning of God’s teachings to the people of Israel of the principles upon which they should live their lives, have two versions in the Pentateuch, in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. Although they are similar in meaning, there are some noteworthy differences between them. One of the most significant differences is the imperative verb “remember” (used in Exodus) and “keep” (used in Deuteronomy) regarding Shabbat. In Exodus, the reason for not working on the seventh day is explained as the cessation of God’s creative work to rest on the seventh day. In Deuteronomy, Shabbat rest is to remember the liberation that God provided for the people of Israel from their slavery in the land of Egypt. Shabbat is welcomed into Jewish homes by reciting a prayer called Kiddush, Sanctification, composed by the members of the Great ...

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